I drastically reduced the amount of time I spend on Twitter back in… March, I think? Because I was feeling really agitated about increasingly meaningless things and that seemed like it just, was not good for my mental health. And while I have missed it (Most of my internet relationships are on Twitter! And I do actually like people!) the thing I have missed the most is actually just barfing every single one of my asinine thoughts into the void whenever I have them. I started throwing them into a Notes file on my phone because, well, I have a big ego and I think every thought I have has value, so I might as well hang on to them, right?

Here are ten things I hung on to, untweeted!
as i was listening to slipknot for the third day in a row today i finally understood why people use spotify private sessions
my phone just locked me out for screen downtime and i was about to extend and then nodded sagely and said, “no you’re right” out loud to it
the best part of healing a tattoo is that while you are itchy and suffering you can point your tattoo at people you love and yell, “YOU WANT SOME SKINNN!??”
i’ve stayed in some nice hotels in my day, but i’ve never stayed in a hotel nice enough to have good toilet paper
i have exactly one (1) skill and it is finding buzz lightyear vinylmation figurines in still-sealed blind boxes at disneyland. i have done it for myself. i have done it for friends. i have done it for strangers. i would do it for you, if vinylmation was still a thing.
the absolute power i feel when someone who follows me on goodreads adds a book i’ve recently reviewed to their “want to read” shelf,,, absolutely despotic
look i get that bands want to make “””””NICE”””””” vinyl and stuff but like, can u stop… making double albums!!!! when they are not necessitated by length???? like…. FIDELITY sure, but can u not,,, make me get up FOUR TIMES to listen too your ART??!
i have extreme dad energy in that i am always needing lights on because i can’t fuckin see for shit but also am always saying, ‘do we NEED every light in this house on?!”
so many tattoo artists i follow own naked cats and like,,, you can’t tattoo an animal, buddy
I do still occasionally use Twitter, @ashrocketship, so you know… Don’t miss out on those either. Because I’m a real gift to the world, you know?