stuff i consumed: december 2019

Unboxing But No Hands (CHALLENGE)

Can Wholesome Edits of Boomer Comics End the Generation War?

The 2017 College Grad Who Got Attacked by a Horde of YA Authors Had No Idea What She Was Getting Into

The Try Guys Bake Cookies Without A Recipe

Test of Faith

Work Should Be Over When It Gets Dark

Link Rides A Horse For The First Time (SURPRISE)

Pendeja, You Ain’t Steinbeck: My Bronca with Fake-Ass Social Justice Literature

The day when three NASA astronauts staged a strike in space

How I Lost My Legs ang Gained… You Want Me to Say Something Inspiring Here

Can You Guess How Many Nesting Dolls? (GAME)

When “Peanuts” Went All-In on Vaccinations

I have sex with fat people, and it’s not revolutionary: a thread.

some stuff i consumed: october 2019

Mystery Finger Trap Challenge

The stories behind LA’s famous (and strange) street names

Eugene Ranks The Most Popular Cereals

Honourable Mention

Daniels Book Eight

Billie Lourd on Becoming the Keeper of Princess Leia

The 2010s Broke Our Sense Of Time

Fanfiction: The Infinite Free Buffet

Knuck-Tat Generator

Ugly, Bitter, and True

At Last, Disney+ Is Here To Ruin Everything You Love

like a knife to my belly

stuff i consumed: october 2019

The last two weeks have been some of the hardest of my life and if you’ve got good energy to spare, my mom and my family could really use it right now. Here’s some stuff I took into my brain when I could.

Tamales, a Christmastime tradition

How Reading Became a Lifestyle Brand

What In God’s Name Was Muzzy?

Worth It Reacts to Their First Video Together

The Anti-Capitalist Brilliance of Early Adam Sandler

Tuna Noodle Casserole: It Only *Sounds* Disgusting

Proud to be Autistic (Autism Explained by An Autistic Person)

Minimalism Is Just Another Boring Product Wealthy People Can Buy

Why 1950s America Got So Into Those Incredibly Fake Aluminum Christmas Trees

some stuff i read: september 2019

Some stuff I consumed in the last month!

The Quiet Brilliance of Kenan Thompson

A Twitter Thread About Food Waste

To Summarize a Galaxy

The New American Homeless

No, I Won’t Put On A Bra — Even If It Makes You Uncomfortable

Who Would Tavi Gevinson Be Without Instagram?

Hawaiian Mac Salad Isn’t Mainland Mac Salad

Vaccines Work. Here Are the Facts.

Bill Hader Can’t Stop Smiling On The Set Of “It 2”

stuff i read: august 2019

Here are some things I read this month that weren’t a waste of time!

How Far Back In Time Could a Modern English Speaker Go and Still Communicate Effectively?

I Found the Key to the Kingdom of Sleep

YouTube’s Newest Far-Right, Foul-Mouthed, Red-Pilling Star Is A 14-Year-Old Girl

What Does “Queerbait” Even Mean Anymore?

These Photos Show The Casual Racism Of Everyday Objects

My In-Laws Are Careless About My Deadly Food Allergy!

YouTube comments are the last sincere space online

What the Heck Is Crab Rangoon Anyway?

What Dinnertime Looks Like In 36 Different Homes