I read and loved Landis Blair’s The Night Tent which is so beautifully and charmingly illustrated and written that it makes me wish I had a kid in my life in need of a bedtime story!
I listened to the very first episode of 60 Songs that Explain the 90s and had a good time! I laughed a lot if begrudgingly since it’s hosted by a man who clearly thinks he’s soooooooooo funny, but I will for sure be listening to more episodes anyway.
I’m enjoying Maria Bamford’s Sure, I’ll Join Your Cult which we’ve been listening to as an audiobook which is both nearly impossible for me and my auditory processing issues and also extremely delightful because she’s a comedian with great range and fantastic delivery. Someday I might even manage to finish it!
A couple of albums I’ve liked lately even though my ability to listen to music is extremely broken for some reason: Screaming Females, Desire Pathway and Alanis Morissette’s Jagged Little Pill which I’ve been listening to for most of my life but deserves a mention and Metric’s Art of Doubt and The Decemberists in generally because I am still In It!
Okay, that’s it! It’s been rough going around these parts lately — Did you know change is really hard? And having your life in upheaval is exhausting even when it’s for a good reason? And that money sucks? And adhulthood is stupid? Also being mentally ill is terrible? — but we persever nonetheless because honestly the other choice sucks way more.
I hope your fall is glorious! See you next month!