the casual-ass internet book club: january 2013

So a while ago I was on Twitter and I said, “I need an internet book club!” and a couple of awesome people expressed interest in it. And because I like to do things as sort of casually and relaxedly as humanly possible, I thought I’d throw something together! SO!

Welcome to the Casual-Ass Internet Book Club!

I went through my recent purchases for Kindle and ended up deciding on Fuckness by Andersen Prunty because it is A: cheap (especially for Kindle) and B: shortish and C: sounds discussion worthy.

From Amazon: This darkly offbeat novel opens with the narrator, Wallace Black, as the target of the school bully’s violence. After suffering a horrendous beating, Black goes home to his equally abusive family. As a punishment for fighting at school, his mother straps a set of grotesque horns to the top of his head. He is unsure of where the horns came from. They have always been in the house. And they contain a power no one could have expected.

So basically!

1. Read the book!
2. Post about it on the internet no later than January 31st
3. Link me to your post in the comments here
4. I’ll do a round-up post on February 1
5. We can have a casual-ass comment party about the book
6. I’ll announce the next book

Your site, Blogger, Tumblr, WordPress, even Twitter is fine! (Just Storify and link!) Whatever works for you!

This is a very casual, kick-back, low-expectations, low-effort deal! I just like the idea of reading the same book and then hearing what people think about it. That’s literally it. FUN, YES?! Good. Now please participate or I’ll maybe cry. Probably.

If you have suggestions for the next book, please please please comment with them and tell me! I’d appreciate if it was available on Kindle, but that’s the only requirement.

Share this with people if you do it! Tell me if you’re going to do it! Tell everyone!

Also, you still got a couple days to win free stuff in The Totally Top Five 2K12 Giveaway. ENTER ALREADY.