I live in North Dakota now! It’s weird!
I’ve been here for about a month and a half and it’s starting to feel like “home” even though I’m having a hard time calling it that?! Like, every time we’re out somewhere I say, “Are we heading back to the house now?” or whatever and if I talk about L.A. I say “home” — so that’s a thing.
But regardless of what I call it, the house is very comfortable and we have furniture and stuff put away and we’ve been unpacked for almost a month and just bought the last piece of furniture we needed for our living room, so that’s wonderful. We still need to buy a bed/frame and boxspring, but that’ll happen eventually and until then I guess we’ll continue to survive with a mattress on the floor like some sad college sophomore that lives with eleven other guys. 27 is too old to get up from THE FLOOR every morning! The noises my joints make! YOU WOULD FIND THEM ALARMING.
North Dakota is weird and very small (comparatively) and there are SO MANY grasshoppers/katydids/cricket creatures EVERYWHERE which are the kind of bug I am the most afraid of so that’s been great. Also, our neighbors are pretty rude?! So that North Dakota nice thing seems like a lie. Although everyone kind of waves at each other when we pass on dirt roads, so… I don’t even know where to go with it. The lesson, I think, is that there are some nice people and some shitheads everywhere, no matter what. People are terrible! Shocker.
Other Things: no one has backyard fences, construction sites are just littered with totally theftable shit at all hours whether people are there or not and there is never security, oil drilling in the Bakken produces a LARGE byproduct of natural gas, but there’s only so much that can be harvested/contained so all the oil sites have these things called flares which are either large holes in the ground or giant potbelly stove looking things that are just ON FIRE all the time, there are dirt roads that you just have to drive on to get to places sometimes, almost no one is from here and the people who are don’t seem all that enthused about the people who aren’t, food is EXPENSIVE, there are almost no chains whatsoever for anything including food and consumer goods, Hardee’s is NOT like Carl’s Jr. no matter what anyone tells you, Pita Palace is the bomb, milk tastes better here just like it did in Kansas City, most stretches of the “freeway” (it’s… not… a… freeway…) are only 2-4 lanes total, we pick up our mail from one of the local radio stations, Frank’s/3 Amigos is also The Bomb, there is only one theater in town and it’s not a chain, Canada is REALLY close, and nobody can drive worth a shit.
WHEW let me tell you it’s been a weird month.
This is a flare:

A. Weird. Month.
ANYWAY, I promised I would post pictures once we were settled and we are now, so I should keep my word because that’s what good people do! Or something.
THESE PICTURES ARE NOT GREAT because we live in a BASEMENT and, though it has larger than average windows and we get lots of light because we don’t yet have a backyard fence, it’s still a basement. But let me tell you, in person it is cozy and cute as hell. I GUESS YOU WILL JUST HAVE TO VISIT IN ORDER TO FIND OUT.
Also, sorry about the massive number of useless details in this post. I DON’T HAVE ANY FRIENDS HERE, I HAVE TO TALK TO SOMEONE OKAY.

The loveseat came from the Salvation Army even though I am deeply opposed to their policies because it’s the only thrift store in town. (ALSO they overcharged us!! I love that loveseat with all my heart but it should not have been a $75 purchase!) The black chair has been following me around for years and years and I still love it. We just had to retack the underside because the cats kept climbing inside of it to sleep. Dicks.

Now the last few boring things:

Bedroom: Dresser — painting/prints are from the Goodwill and the little lady statue was my great grandmother’s.
Bedroom: Bed — the bedside tables are Uhaul boxes wrapped in wrapping paper.
Bathroom: Left — no idea where I bought the faux cuckoo clock.
Bathroom: Right — the two pieces of art are both from Etsy.
That’s it!! It doesn’t seem that exciting!! SORRY!! But we are comfortable and that helps us be less miserable about the fact that we live in North Dakota. North Dakota. Never going to stop being weird.
I mean, we’ve seen some cool shit, like buffalo:

But at least the skies make it pretty god damn okay.