Good Shit I Recently Liked:
Almost Done with Christmas and Christmas Day (Rae Hartsock @ Say It Ain’t So) — Those decorations! The pups! My dream home!
Ranked: Every Saturday Night Live Cast Member Ever, From Worst to Best (Phil Nugent @ Nerve) — MOST of these are WILDLY WRONG, but I still enjoyed reading it a lot and it brought on a lively debate on my Facebook.
Hard to Find Week Pre-Party: Cover Girl Crackle Laquer (The Polish Addict) — This one is hard to explain kind of. This blog is defunct and the post is from 2008, but I was looking for a swatch of some nail polish and I somehow ended up on a road ending at this post. A post where crackle finish polish was hard to find because it hadn’t been rebirthed. And where it apparently used to crackle way damn cooler than it does now. I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS A WEIRD TIME CAPSULE MOMENT OKAY, GOD.
It’s Okay to Be Neither (Melissa Bollow Tempel, via Together For Jackson County Kids) — Fantastic. Enough said.
Anne’s Things (Ranch Dressing with Eartha Kitsch) — This was so moving/beautiful! The relics of our lives are so small and powerful.
20 Dated Celebrity Endorsements from Over a Decade Ago (BuzzFeed — These are just the BEST. The late 90s and early 00s were so ugly and metallic and just awful. So great.
Louis CK’s Shameful Dirty Comedy (Frank Chimero) — This is ridiculous on point. And it’s exactly why I love Louis CK so so much.